who we are


Member Support

Supporting all members in the delivery of high quality Apprenticeships, Traineeships and Skills training.

Local Partnerships

We have an excellent reputation in partnership and collaborative working, ensuring members views are heard and we can develop robust partnerships with & for our members so they can offer the best education services to meet local needs.

Sector and policy response

Working with key stakeholders such as LEps, MCAs, ESFA, Ofsted, DWP and others to ensure local skills policy is understood & implemented .successfully.  Responding to local & national consultation and ensuring our members voices are heard on key issues that affect them. 

Access to information

We offers regular network conferences, workshops and webinars to ensure members are up to date with all the latest updates in the sector.

who we are

Support Services

Provider Support Service

We offer a wide range of support services to help providers improve their provision and aid them on their journey to 'Outstanding' - we act as many providers primary quality partner, providing that crucial external pair of eyes and critical friend on all things quality, improvement, inclusion and oversight

who we are

Contracts, research

YLP Projects

YLP undertake projects and research in relation to improving the FE sector, this includes working with organisations such as the ETF and the Strategic Development Network.

Funded Contracts

We have a number of funded programmes that support the education & skills sector across Yorkshire. The beauty of our arrangement is we act as a true consortium partnership by bringing together funding, skills needs & local providers together especially those who may miss out on funding or community engagement without our support.

ASK Project

YLP deliver the NAS Apprenticeship Support and Knowledge project in West Yorkshire. The aim of the ASK Project is to promote the apprenticeship brand to young people, schools and parents.

“Excellent networking” “Real Impact and influence at local, regional and national level” “Great CPD and quality arrangements” “Highly effective, robust and personable leadership and management arrangements” “WYLP clearly punches above their weight” “WYLP is a partnership with a purpose”
Matrix Assessment
July 2017